Happy New Year, Australia! End of financial year

end of financial yearIt’s new year’s eve. An end of financial year. Happy New Year, Australia! Many of us are receiving eMails and last minute pitches from companies and charities reminding us it is the end of the financial year. These eMails state it is our last day to purchase this item or that service and it’s our last day to give a donation this financial year.

Prior to today, our letter boxes were stuffed with advertisements and also with charitable appeals seeking that end of financial year purchase or last donation. In three days, I received over two dozen appeals because of the various charitable organisations I give to or am affiliated. That’s not a gripe – it’s just a reality. And, today, I woke up to a dozen emails from charities, alone, stating it was the last chance to give this financial year to save an organisation, to help another organisation reach their goal, and to help another discover life saving cures for diseases, etc.

It’s sort of like a political campaign. Candidates get their messages out through mass marketing and try to convince the voter they are the best choice or a terrific choice amongst the field. Non-profit organisations are in the same boat. Charities have made their case through the post, phone, and eMail. It is now up to people to decide : a) will they make a donation today and, if so, b) which organisations will they give their final donations to on the last day of the financial year?

Charities have done their job. Most non-profit organisations have been strategic and many have been persistent. Donors will make final decisions today. It’s all in their hands to decide. Let’s hope the donors decide yes on question a, above, and name your organisation in their answer to question b. Good luck! Happy New Year!