Behind on your Christmas Appeal? The Salvos put us to shame
Do you feel like you are behind on your non-profit’s Christmas Appeal? Salvation Army has the first wave of their Christmas Appeal produced and mailed. I receive hundreds of appeals from Australian and international charitable organisations. As has been true in years prior, the Salvos appeal is the first in my letterbox again this year. It arrived on 12 October.

Why does it matter?
Any charity getting a jump start on their calendar year-end appeal gives themselves plenty of time to conduct a multitude of waves. It matters because if, for example, the Salvos find their Christmas Appeal not performing in ways predicted or if they find changed behaviour from the plan, Salvos have ample time on the calendar to make adjustments to accommodate the changed behaviour. Additionally, in the case of the Salvo’s appeal, a gift catalogue is the focus of the appeal. Salvos want to ensure donors include the Salvation Army service recipients in their “Christmas shopping” plans. By mailing their appeal well before most of us have even thought about our Christmas shopping, Salvos become front of mind.
Mailing early matters in 2020, more than, ever. Some will find their year end budgets tighter than in years prior. It is important to get your appeal out earlier so you can ensure you get your piece of the pie.
It takes a lot of planning and effort to be this far ahead of the “game”. Salvation Army have spent months, if not years, perfecting their game and ensuring they are able to have maximum impact. Kudos to the Salvation Army for appearing first in our letterboxes for multiple years in a row.
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