Why do you care about your personal brand?

Personal+brandingSome of us spend a considerable amount of time each day focused on building our personal brand. Others go about it quite naturally and do not seem to realise the things they are doing are dramatically impacting their personal brand. And, there may be others who may not care about their personal brand.

Personal brand is the most important thing you own. If you are not branding yourself, others may be branding you!

What is a personal brand?

Simply put, personal brand is investing in yourself and your career to create a brand. People who believe in personal branding believe in creating a self-package. Personal branding is “owning” the space you exist in, controlling your career development, and how you are perceived. Personal branding gives you the power to create your unique value in the marketplace.

Why do we care?

Personal brand expert, Julie Lamberg-Burnet, tells audiences they have three to five seconds to make a first impression. Three to five seconds? I’ve barely said hello. The fact of the matter is, Julie tells us we do not even need to say hello to make the first impression. People walk into a networking event, immediately “size” one another up, and make decisions about one’s value without even greeting the person. Others arrive at a meeting and sit nearest to the person with whom they want to associate or emulate.

Everyone should care about his or her personal brand!

Take back the control. Learn more about your personal brand at a one-day masterclass at the Fundraising Institute Australia Conference on 18 February 2015. This masterclass offers a unique panel of marquis speakers, including:

  • Julie Lamberg-Burnet, Brand Service Consulting, Modern Etiquette and International Protocol – Sydney School of Protocol
  • Korrin Barrett, Motivational Speaker – Life Unlimbited
  • Mary Macuga, Director of Resource Development – Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
  • Eva E. Aldrich CFRE, Chief Executive Officer – CFRE International

To give you a sampling of what you will experience the day of the masterclass, consider Korrin Barret’s story. Learn more about Korrin here.

Investing 8 hours in this masterclass may simply change your value in the marketplace or workplace. Sign up for the masterclass today!