Feel good moment while at a client site


A supervisor once told me, “how you say goodbye to an employee is just as important as how you welcome them into our organisation”.

How many times have you resigned a job and your supervisor has barely said a word during your notice period? Did you feel like you were in the process of a divorce and forced to sleep on the sofa for 30 days?

I witnessed a really well done goodbye on Friday while working with a nonprofit organisation in Melbourne.

The organisation held a farewell afternoon tea for a staff member who is moving to a new charity. I was invited to join in the tea and what I witnessed moved me. Instead of saying goodbye to this employee, in isolation, the farewell was conducted in a very public forum. The CEO, CFO, and other leaders joined this man’s supervisor and colleagues in the packed office kitchen to celebrate not only this person, but also a very positive work atmosphere. Anyone was allowed to speak, including the outgoing employee. Recognition was given by this man’s superiors, his staff, and colleagues. Additionally, the employee said a few words to recognise his colleagues and the wonderful organisation.

I suspect more good was done with this farewell than any organisation can measure. Not only did this employee feel very good, but his colleagues also showed a vast display of appreciation and celebrated one another. What a team. What a moment. I am grateful I was included and reminded “how you say goodbye to someone is just as important as how you welcome them…”. Farewell, James, and good luck! Kudos to Bush Heritage Australia.