BPay and PostPay – underutilised in the Australian NP sector
When I first moved to Australia from the US, some six years ago, I learned BPay was a key means to conduct financial transactions. In the US, we certainly conduct transactions electronically, but there are still many who pay monthly bills via cheque. In fact, I moved to Australia with my US chequebook in case I needed to send a paper check to a company in the US.
BPay and PostPay are options on just about every invoice I receive. We have grown accustomed to setting off payments to various suppliers each and every month (or as needed) using this convenient and safe method. People young and old use these methods.
Given the prevalence of BPay and PostPay in Australia, I am surprised by how few charities offer BPay and PostPay when sending appeals to constituents.
My assumption is PostPay is largely used by older generations who pay most bills using the service at Australia Post. I also assume BPay may be used by people of those same generations; however, likely not at such a high percentage of people who have grown up only knowing BPay.
Where are BPay and PostPay used in our sector?
BPay is offered by QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. Here is a sample of a recent appeal received from QIMR showing an option to make a gift via BPay. At QIMR, my BPay number is stored in their CRM and printed on all response devices for my convenience and to remind me that I may transact using this number.
National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), likewise, offer BPay and PostPay and here is a sample of an appeal received from NBCF showing option for BPay. Like QIMR, NBCF store my BPay number in their CRM to use when desired.
Your CRM ought to generate and store the BPay number for all constituents. At the point you add a new constituent to your data set, the BPay and PostPay numbers should be generated using a formula you create following the standards offered by your banking institution and by Australia Post. Thereafter, the BPay and PostPay numbers ought to be stored for use each and every time you ask your constituents for support.
Is your organisation using BPay and PostPay on your requests for money? What CRM do you use to generate and store the BPay and PostPay numbers? Are all CRM suppliers in the Australian non-profit space offering such functionality? Lastly, does your organisation have the functionality in your CRM and you are not using it? Let me hear from you by leaving a comment below.
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