Increase in philanthropy for AUS and NZ Universities

According to a report on higher education giving, philanthropic support of universities in Asia-Pacific grew in 2014. The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Asia-Pacific published findings from the Ross-CASE report this month.

According to CASE, “the total number of donors giving to the surveyed Australian and New Zealand universities increased from 41,511 in 2012 to 51,357 in 2014 while the total number of alumni donors at these surveyed institutions grew from 23,896 in 2012 to 31,296 in 2014”.

Case also reports “universities participating in the survey, conducted earlier this year, had more than 2.5 million contactable alumni in 2014. This represents a 12 percent increase from nearly 2.3 million contactable alumni in 2012. During the three years, the total new funds raised rose by 65 percent from 2012 to 2013.”

Snip20150927_19CASE published a nice infographic related to the survey. There are many detailed findings from the study, which ought to encourage universities across Asia-Pacific. For more details on the study, visit the CASE website. FundraisingForce applauds CASE and the 19 higher education institutions part of the study.