Most common mistake when creating a fundraising strategic plan

Fundraising Strategic PlanFundraisingForce works with dozens of charitable organisations each year to create a fundraising strategic plan (FSP). What is the most common mistake when creating a fundraising strategic plan? Asking a single person to create the fundraising strategic plan for your organisation.

There is not a week that goes by where an organisation does not contact me to ask me to create a fundraising strategic plan for the organisation. What’s wrong with that request?

No one person in your non-profit organisation, or external to your organisation, can create a fundraising strategic plan. Fundraising plans are not products you can purchase off the shelf or have magically designed for you. Instead, fundraising plans are carefully crafted plans, which are created through workshops, 1:1 meetings, research, and surveys. These plans are created involving internal and external stakeholders across the organisation and may take 2-3 months to create and finalise.

Fundraising Strategic Plan Components

  • Executive summary.
  • Background of organisation.
  • Business driver(s).
  • Structure of fundraising program.
  • Responsibility table.
  • Fundraising history.
  • SWOT analysis, including mitigation strategies for weaknesses and also for threats.
  • Competitive landscape.
  • Projected revenue.
  • Projected investments.
  • Return on Investment (ROI).
  • Reporting and analysis.

Need assistance creating a fundraising strategic plan for your non-profit organisation, school, or charity? Contact FundraisingForce or attend the Fundraising Institute Australia Fundraising (FIA) Strategic Plan Masterclass in a capital city near you. Check the FIA Website for more details.