Abundant professional development opportunities – with Fundraising Institute Australia

Snip20160504_29If you are an Australian fundraiser, there are ample professional development opportunities to satisfy your appetite and to ensure you are on top of current trends. In fact, the choice can be overwhelming.

While there are a variety of opportunities for you to choose from, FundraisingForce suggests you choose Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) as a one-stop shop for professional development. At FIA you may elect to participate in events coordinated locally or participate in courses produced by FIA on a national scale. FIA offers local events, as well as courses in the classroom or online. All angles, styles of learning, and topics are covered with FIA.

Becoming a member of the peak fundraising body also ensures discounted rates to attend all FIA events.

FundraisingForce are pleased to sponsor FIA NSW and a plethora of activity occurring in 2016.