UW warms this aggressive American fundraiser

Snip20150810_2I received an enewsletter from my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin, last week. The newsletter header captivated my attention:

Have you reached your philanthropic goals for 2015?

The opening paragraphs kept my attention:

“The end of the year is approaching, but there is still time to take advantage of giving opportunities that will provide needed financial support for the UW as well as possible tax benefits for you.

The articles below provide options for your consideration: contact the Office of Gift Planning at the UW Foundation for more information and to get started on reaching these goals!”

The University of Wisconsin enewsletter is all about supporting the University. At the same time, the enewsletter is also about helping me to find ways I can save on my US taxes – gift planning. The University does this by making points, such as: “For example, there is no easier way to garner a charitable deduction for 2015 – and support the University of Wisconsin-Madison at the same time – than by simply writing a check! If you itemize, outright gifts are fully deductible for federal income-tax purposes (up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income). If your total gifts should exceed this limitation, the excess may be carried forward for tax purposes for up to five additional years”.

Tax savings illustrations are plentiful, such as: Example: If you are now in the 33 percent income-tax bracket and you itemize your deductions, a $1,000 gift to UW-Madison by December 31 will save you $330 in 2015 taxes.

Does this seem too aggressive of an approach for your organisation? American fundraisers are used to this straightforward approach. I wonder how it would fly in your charity?

I love my university. And, I love this approach.