One a week thank you calls

The thank you call. It’s the easiest step in the fundraising process. No asking. Just a simple thank you.

So, why is it that fundraisers are not very good at thank you calls? Why aren’t more thank you calls conducted?

As fundraisers, we get involved in our day to day tasks and we often times overlook this important strategic step.

When making the thank you calls, be sure you have one agenda item – donor appreciation. Simply pick a donor to call, ring them, and tell them you are calling only to check in with them and to let them know how grateful you are for their support. Donors will find it a refreshing approach and you will feel good about taking the act, as well.

How do you decide who to call? Run a list from your constituent relationship management (CRM) of donors who have given who have given $500+ in the last 12 months. If the list is lengthy (that’s a nice problem to have!), engage some volunteers in the activity. Be sure to hold out donors for you to call to take part in the engagement strategy.

Touching base with a donor and simply thanking them for their support of the organisation is a terrific way to not only express appreciation, but you might also gain one or two “nuggets” of information you may not have previously known. Be sure to document the call in your CRM system.

Commit to making one thank you call a week. Since we are in week two of the New Year, you need to make two this week!