It’s New Year’s Eve

Firework and light show during International fleet review in SydWhat are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

Don’t you hate that question? You always feel obligated to do something and some of us might want to stay home on the craziest night of the year!

Asking you what you are doing on New Year’s Eve may seem as premature as asking what you got your partner for Christmas or their birthday. However, today is New Year’s Eve. Well, at least for the financial year in Australia.

So, what do you plan to do? I plan to make some year-end charitable donations to my favourite charities. And, you should too. There is a tax benefit to giving an additional gift or a first-time gift to a charity on this day. Non-profit organisations depend on our support to wrap up a strong financial year and to continue their terrific programs. It’s up to you and I to not let those charities down and to do our part at fiscal year end. Log onto the charitable Websites or call the charities now! Midnight 30 June is fast approaching!