Are cheques soon to be a thing of the past?

You and I likely do not have a checking account with our Australian bank. While very popular in the United States, checking accounts are already becoming history in this country. In 2021, less than two cheques were written per household. This is down from 50 per household in the 1980s. Due to consumer demand and safer, electronic payment options, cheques could be faded out sooner than many can predict.
What would your charity do if you were given a month or two notice that cheques were going to be history in the Australian banking system? It happened in New Zealand.
Impact of a loss of cheques as a pay method
The change in the banking system would impact elderly donors the most. If cheques were to go away in the Australian banking system, it would have an impact on charitable giving in a few ways.
- Donation collection
- Many charities still rely on cheques as a means of collecting donations from supporters
- Charities would have to find alternative ways of collecting donations
- This could include using online payment platforms or setting up direct debit arrangements
- However, not all donors may be comfortable with online payments or may prefer to donate via cheque
- Administration costs
- Charities would need to invest in new systems and technologies to manage and process donations through alternative means
- This could come at a cost to charities, particularly for smaller organisations with limited resources
- Donor demographics
- It’s important to note that some donors, particularly older donors, may not be comfortable with using online payment methods and prefer to donate via cheque
- Removing cheques could result in a loss of donations from this demographic, which may impact some charities that rely on this group of donors
Overall, if cheques were to go away in the Australian banking system, charities would need to adapt their donation collection methods, invest in new systems and technologies, and potentially face a loss of donations from some donors. However, it’s also possible that alternative methods of donation collection could be more efficient and cost-effective in the long run.
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