New Year’s Resolution – one stewardship contact a week

Hand writing "Thank You!" on white sheet of paper.

Donor care or stewardship calls, notes, or Emails are amongst the easiest contacts to complete. So simple, yet we often get bogged down in our day to day activity and we forget how easy it is to simply call someone, write a quick note, or Email.

  • Thinking of you.
  • Thank you for your support.
  • Your financial support changed the lives of the people we serve.
  • I hope you have a terrific week!
  • Happy Birthday!
  • Congratulations!

Whatever the occasion, or simply to let someone know you are thinking of them, take a moment and reach out to one person today – a donor, volunteer, prospective donor or volunteer, a client, or a colleague.

Make it your New Year’s resolution to reach out to one person a week simply to check in with them. Remember to document this contact in your customer relationship management (CRM) system or database just the way you would a meeting or other move.

Remember, your contact with donors and volunteers should not just be about funding or a need for a shift to be filled. Take time to let someone know they mean something to your nonprofit or charitable organisation.