Congratulations, RMIT
Congratulations, RMIT! I was dancing at my dinner table on Monday, 15 June. No, I was not out on the town. Instead, I was opening the day’s mail and RMIT’s direct mail piece caught my eye for all the right reasons.
- RMIT makes an ask. Seem basic to you? Many charities in my direct marketing study do not make an ask or, if they do, it is such a soft ask it is missed.
- RMIT asks for enhanced data – phone and email.
- RMIT asks how I wish to be recognised in donor publications or if I wish to remain anonymous.
- RMIT lists other giving options, including:
- Creation of a scholarship in my name.
- Consideration of a gift in my will.
- RMIT references the Information Privacy Act 2000 (VIC).
- RMIT offers matching my donation dollar for dollar.
As RMIT says in the letter, giving to education is powerful. I’m convinced. And, RMIT does a great job enticing me to give. The RMIT scholarship solicitation is a model appeal.
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