#GivingTuesday, Australia

It’s the Tuesday following US Thanksgiving, Blackbaud Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday. That means it’s #GivingTuesday, Australia.

What are you planning to do for #GivingTuesday? Have you had plans in place to execute for many months? Or, have you planned nothing at all?

#GivingTuesday is a unique opportunity for charities, suppliers, and donors to come together to boost charitable giving in one day and to do so world-wide. You can do as little or as much effort as you live. The beautiful part is the day falls smack in the middle of our Christmas appeal season in Australia. So, why not test the waters to see if it makes a difference for your non-profit organisation.

How can you charities, suppliers, and donors come together and get involved?

#GivingTuesday – Charities

  • Create a day-long social media campaign to promote giving to your Christmas or year-end appeal. Push donations online.
  • Conduct a one-day calling program to acquire new donors, renew past supporters, and upgrade those who are regular donors.
  • Get an army of volunteers to join you by calling to thank donors who have already supported your Christmas or end of year appeal.

#GivingTuesday – Suppliers

  • Give to your non-profit customers Christmas or end of year appeals.
  • Volunteer for the day at a local homeless shelter or other charitable organisation.
  • Give 10% back on all invoices for the month f December.

#GivingTuesday – Donors

  • Volunteer for a charity today or this evening – something you have been meaning to do for a long time.
  • Sign up to be a regular volunteer at the charity of your choice.
  • Become a regular donor to a charity of your choice.
  • Gather all the loose change you have and drop it off at a charity in your neighbourhood.
  • Clean out a closet and drop the clothes at Vinnies or Salvation Army so they may be sold to another loving home.

You see, #GivingTuesday does not need to be well planned and executed. Although, it helps increase your results if you do plan the activities and steps! #GivingTuesday can be the smallest acts of kindness or a large-scale campaign. #GivingTuesday is what you make it.