National Volunteer Week – 8 May – a missed opportunity

Missed opportunityWhat happened? National Volunteer Week was 8 May and was a missed opportunity. The week came and went and charities, volunteer service, and other organisations failed to recognise it and what it stands for – volunteer recognition. Not a single organisation I volunteer for mentioned it, sent any sort of eNewsletter, eMail, or any form of thank you. Did you hear about it or get recognised by an organisation you serve?

Weeks like these are developed as marketing campaigns to assist charitable and volunteer organisations. The campaigns not only recognise a special day or week but they encourage others to join in. They remind the general public the importance of, in this case, volunteer service to those in need. The campaigns offer an opportunity for your organisation to capitalise and to offer you an additional reason to reach out to and engage with your volunteers. Volunteering Australia offered a host of resources available on their Website.

Save the date of 21-27 May 2018. Volunteering Australia has moved the date for the next year in order to not clash with the federal budget. When planning for 2018, think about:

  • Volunteer recognition events.
  • Naming a volunteer of the year.
  • Recognising long service volunteers.
  • Thank you cards.
  • Thank you eMails.
  • Calling and simply saying thanks!

Volunteering Australia offers 101 ways to recognise your volunteers.