New Year’s resolution – get your CFRE in 2015

CFREJanuary is all about New Year’s resolutions. Some New Year’s resolutions we make right away and others we delay deciding. Some we keep and others we break. Some come to mind easily, while others need to be suggested to us.

One New Year’s resolution FundraisingForce wants to suggest to you, even if only to serve as a reminder, is to become a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) in 2015.

CFRE International certifies experienced fundraising professionals aspiring to the highest standards of ethics, competence and service to the philanthropic sector.

CFRE International has seen a substantial growth of CFREs in 2014 and 2015 is expected to be a boom year as well. Why not include yourself amongst those who obtain their CFRE credential in this year?

Most experienced fundraisers do not take the exam because they do not take the time to complete the application or they fear not passing the exam on the first try. To resolve these issues for its members and prospective members, the Fundraising Institute in NSW spent a considerable amount of time in 2014 educating people about CFRE. FIA NSW created a CFRE study group to meet the needs of those who want to apply for and take the CFRE exam. The study group runs each quarter, in a “book club format”, and has proven to be quite a success with 100% of the participants passing the CFRE exam on the first pass. Participants not only study together once per month in person, but they also do readings in between the meetings. In the end, the participants take the exam together. The CFRE Study Group has taken the mystery out of the CFRE exam process and offered participants the opportunity to experience the exam process together. Study group participants find this group format to be a very supportive and collegial environment.

To learn more about CFRE and how to become involved, please contact FundraisingForce.