The Bush Heritage Australia response device ticks all the boxes

Picture this – I was at my desk on a Wednesday afternoon opening all of the mail I received for the day. I opened a piece from Bush Heritage Australia and embraced it with excitement. Why? The response device ticks all of the boxes. It truly performs confirm, edit, and enhance for the organisation about me the recipient.

Bush Heritage Australia

Response devices come in all shapes and sizes. Some organisations do not pre-print supporter details on their response forms. Others only offer name and postal delivery address information. By limiting the information your organisation confirms and allows donors to edit and enhance, you are restricting the use of the response form and you are not maximising its value. Additionally, you are decreasing the chances of building and maintaining a relationship with the donor.

A best practice response form

The Bush Heritage response device offers the following key elements for best practices in data hygiene:

  • The supporter ID is printed on the form, but not dominant.
    • Many supporters are unaware of their supporter ID. Offering it on the form helps when the supporter calls.
  • Confirmation of the contact details Bush Heritage have on file.
  • BPay as a payment option!
    • The Bush Heritage CRM automatically generates a BPay number for all constituents when the constituent record is created.
    • This BPay number remains on file to use for all direct mail pieces or for the donor to save in their banking system.
  • Bar coding for scanning and ease of processing.
    • The Bush Heritage team can scan each response device and quickly edit or enhance contact details, as well as process donations received.
  • No request for the CVV number on the back side of my credit card.
    • This form is PCI compliant.
  • My date of birth is hidden, but noted as on file.
    • This is respectful and it also offers a layer of security.
  • Optional tick boxes for me to utilise.
    • To request receipts via email, a bequest packet, or to indicate I have already left a gift in will to Bush Heritage.
  • A thank you message.
    • The thank you message is sensitive about my safety during COVID-19.
  • A phone number in case I wish to contact Bush Heritage.
    • Donors may not wish to return this piece via mail, especially if they are unable to visit Australia Post during COVID restrictions.

Bush Heritage nailed it with this response device tucked in their recent newsletter mailing. Kudos to the Bush Heritage team. Do you have a best practice response device you want to share? Send it to me at